You are not here by accident!
We believe the Holy Spirit led you here!
It will be an honor and a privilege to connect with you and listen to your story!
We look forward to connecting with you!
We will walk alongside you. We will show you honor and respect. We will value you for who you are. We will not leave you behind.
We believe Every Pastor is Essential. I believe Jesus Christ is the Only Hope for the World.
Every Pastor Needs a Pastor at Some Point.
We believe the adversities and stresses of life and ministry can become overwhelming, leaving you discouraged, cast down, or burned out.
When things are going great, you need someone who is caring, confident, and confidential to brainstorm ideas and discuss strategies with.
We specialize in the lost art of listening as long as it takes, asking great questions, encouraging and empowering you to thrive as a beacon of hope in your community.
Please share your contact information with me and let me know how I can help you. Everything you share will be kept confidential. I promise to contact you and schedule a time to meet very soon.
Confidential Coaching is Different than Counseling.
Coaches can initiate contact. Coaches can make “house calls.” Coaches can meet you in any location that works for you. Coaches can meet for extended hours. Coaches can become your friend.
As Your Confidential Coach Pastor John will empower you to:
There are two fee-based options with a per hour rate.
The fee-based agreement established by the PastorCare West Michigan Board of Directors must be approved by the church decision making body.
Working with Pastor John Smith as your church consultant, will give you someone who is a great listener, who brings a calming presence during conflict, and is relationship focused.